Wednesday, November 18, 2009

sunbeams and some beans

a story that a little girl wrote for Josh that made my day:

A Boyfriend Named Matthew

Once upon a time i had a boyfriend but he broke me so i got another boyfriend and i am in love with him so much.

i think its really cute.
Clinton and i used to write stories all the time when we were little. my mom saved them all and put them in a binder, and we decorated the cover together.
We tried to write a bestselling novel together 3 or 4 times growing up, but we gave up by middle school years. i was supposed to do the art and he was supposed to write it, but i suck at drawing so we switched because he was better at art. Then the story sucked because i couldn't come up with a good enough plot. I always did have trouble saying what i want to say (what i need to say). oh well :P

i went to Josh's sociology class last night. It is way, way (waywaywaywayway) cooler than mine. In my class, there are about 150 people. We all sit and stare at the teacher (who is from croatia and has a thick accent) and "listen" to him drone on and on about stuff we know we should pay attention to somehow can't. I wonder how many kids actually learn in that class. I think ive learned next to nothing compared to my other classes. If someones cell phone so much as beeps, that person gets a stern lecture and a, "Hey you! be quiet up there!" If people are quietly talking (even if theyre talking about the material), the teacher tells them to " go somewhere else if you are going to be disruptive."
In Josh's class, they watch movies and write papers about them addressing the sociological issues brought up (no papers in my class; we have 3 tests and a final. how boring). They are allowed to (and feel free to) discuss sociological issues that come up for them and that they observe. They don't even raise their hands, they just go for it. i miss cnm. I feel asleep when i go to my sociology class, and i feel alive when i go to josh's.

I got scared this morning because i got a phone call about my financial aid; apparently it wasn't active and i didn't have a loan (which means i couldn't sign up for classes or anything). Apparently i never filled out an Authorization to Pay form, which lets the people know that yes, i do want a loan. I went to the student services building after my sociology class (ugh), but i didn't really know where it was so i kind of got lost. I guess i went in the back, which led me to the basement, which led me down all these winding halls. i hate getting lost. i hate being a freshman. the people at the financial aid office were really nice though, and now everything is all worked out.

im going to bryans house tonight for a birfday party. i hope he gets a kick out of his presents. im going to frost his barbie cake with pink icing.

two of the best things josh has taught me:
1) things are only awkward if you let them be
2) never be afraid to take risks

clinton is coming home on saturday.
im excited :)


The flower said, "I wish I was a tree,"
The tree said, "I wish I could be
A different kind of tree,"
The cat wished that it was a bee,
The turtle wished that it could fly
Really high into the sky,
Over rooftops and then dive
Deep into the sea.