Sunday, January 18, 2009

these days its hard to tell whats outside from whats inside my mind

its only one week into the semester, but i can already know that this ones gonna be way better than last.
Last semester was so awful; i felt absolutely no motivation whatsoever to do anything school-related. There was just a lot of stuff i had to deal with, like my brother moving away to college and people dying and stupid teachers and close friends moving away, etc.
...would it be ok if we just forget it for a while and move on?
ok then.

i have 7 classes this semester and the hardest one is physics (ew).
the most interesting class is probably Analytical Writing- my teacher seems to be the type to give out lots of work, but its ok because i actually enjoy the subject for once :)

and i have to give a speech coming up here soon... any topic suggestions? I was hoping to sort of go along with Shane Claibourne and Chris Haw in their book Jesus for President, but im thinking that would be a bit of a challenge. i dont really know how I'd fit so much into a 7 minute speech, and it would be hard to figure out what to cut to make it fit.
(if you haven't read the book, you really should. its so amazing)

so everyones starting to talk about Portland again. I know its not gonna be the same, but i still can't wait. It'll be special in all its own ways.
seems like a lot more people want to go this year. I really hope its because they truly want to serve and not just wanting to go because it was reportedly 'fun' last year. I want so much for us to reach people there in ways they haven't ever experienced!

im really looking forward to graduation.
ive been looking for a dress to fit the crazy graduation people's standards- no easy task when you hate dress shopping, haha
and im trying to get nice and strong so that i can pwn laura.
well not really, but i have been working out a lot, like today i went for a run, did push-ups, crunches, went for a long bike ride, all that fun stuff. It makes me sleep really well at night, and ive been having dreams that seem so real i sometimes think they've actually happened.
at least i dont sleep walk :)

Todays Theme Music:
chemicals collide- cloud cult
i can feel a hot one- manchester orchestra
crayon angels- cover by fleet foxes


Jo said...

Can I borrow Jesus for President from you?

aurora said...

actually its rachels, so you should ask her :P

and its AMAZING

ninaxpants said...

i don't know you.
but i was lookin through people woh like underoath
i'm a new Christian and i thought it was really cool that i found another one; cuz they're so rare on this blogsite.
GodBless you <3

aurora said...

congratulations on becoming a christian!

i love underoath cause theyre so hardcore for jesus, its completely amazing :)

Liz said...

Hey manda!
Are you taking Analytical Writing at cnm? Who is your teacher? Cuz I am taking it there too! Lotssss of reading...


aurora said...

yeah i am; i have lightfoot! so far i think shes pretty cool, who do you have?
(i know last week i waited till the last minute to read and then was trying to finish it all at the end!! not recommended!)