Friday, January 9, 2009

if you blog with a purpose, raise your hand

(while my hand stays glued to my side...)

this week has flown by.

im not so sure im ready for the weekend. because this week ending so fast means that the weekend will end faster, and with the ending of the weekend brings school and hard work and commitments that must be kept, but i wont want to keep them.
because im a lazy person.

so we have to take my brother back to State on sunday, and though he's been a little exasperating these past weeks i will be very sad to see him go, as usual.
because i have been feeling kinda lonely lately, sometimes very lonely, especially at night.
and hes one of my best friends so ill miss him lots.

im looking forward to graduation and college, but i just can't choose in whether to go to unm or state. unm is definitely the more practical choice; its got a better business program and i could live at home and save money on houseing, but state is very desirable because its away from home and still close enough to home.
and sometimes i just wanna get away, not gonna lie. I wanna see more exciting things, and im hoping that'll happen once i get away from the 'rents.

but for now, im just waiting...
and trying to enjoy life in the meantime.

Todays Theme Music:
metaphor in parenthesis- house of heroes
i can feel a hot one- manchester orchestra
invasion- eisley
just like we do- eisley


Anonymous said...

I feel like that sometimes.

Robert said...

*raises hand*

IIII Hal IIIII said...

blogging for a purpose....

a paradox perhaps?