Friday, December 5, 2008

we dont look back dahling, it distracts from the now

An interesting Toastmasters meeting today. Kind of emo. Kind of deep.
People actually cried. It was weird. I didnt like it much... i spose it was the result of finals and too many classes; too much studying, lol.

Afterward my 'rents and I went out looking for a Christmas tree... at 4 different places. Thats right.
My parents weren't about to spend 40+ bucks on a tree (i wouldnt either. i was all for the charlie brown tree) so they decided to go look at fake trees. After spending nearly an hour at Lowes and the prospect of spending equal to if not more than that time at Michael's comparing prices, i decided to head over to Borders instead.
I've been dying to read that new twilight book.
Dont get me wrong- i am not one of those hardcore twilight fans. Those books are totally overrated.
But ive read the other three books and i just gotta know what happens, lol.

Can you believe how much Twilight junk they have out there now? In addition to the books, theres t-shirts, bookmarks, posters, jewlery like the actors wore in the movie, books about the actor that plays edward, even giftcards.
its crazy.

Tuesday we got the news that theres gonna be no summit this year, so I can do the homeschool graduation thing that Clinton did. And i made it into the honor society at the last minute (by the skin of my teeth), so i get to wear one of those dorky red shoulder scarf things. but im excited about it anyway :)

Also i finally saw Wall-E. I loved it.
a cute movie about a sad, dumpy little robot that just wants to hold hands with a sleek new robot. I love his house, how its decorated with a bunch of stuff that people would think is totally useless, but when you bring it together it looks amazing.
and its totally hilarious how all the humans are obese and just slide around on the floor.

ughh. i'd better go study for finals. im so sick of this. ive had an awful semester. After the 18th im just gonna forget about all of it and sit around and make stuff all day.
its gonna be amazing

Today's Theme Music:
death of an interior decorator- dcfc
time of your life- green day


IIII Hal IIIII said...

would it be possible for you to make me a pocket pal?

those little guys are the most ballin thing this side of the mississipi harhar

Miss E. said...

Hey, do you just mean that our AWANA isn't going to be going to Summit?

aurora said...

yeah they didnt cancel the whole thing i just meant that we arent going. Well laura and kris are. you?

IIII Hal IIIII said...

probably one that looks like me. i have a pic of me on my blog that shows my face haha

body wise im just a stick--tall and skinny haha

how would i pay u?

IIII Hal IIIII said...

haha im taking all of your comment space..

but yea if the "me" pal won't work
then probably a little horse would be nice

my gf's fav. animal is the horse so thatd be a nifty gift,

how much would you like to be paid for said commission?