Monday, June 16, 2008

it was actually fun

K so you know how mom had to make all those deviled eggs and lots of chicken salad for that one tea thing we had for 4-H?
Well... I am absolutely in love with that place! And the family. Especially the children- they are so beautiful and hilarious.

The tea place is called Heritage House, and it's a bed and breakfast. Actually, the Grants own 3 little restored victorian houses like this, and they live in one and let people rent rooms out of the two others. Also you can book a private tea in the house- thats what we did for 4-H.
The houses are sort of downtown (around that area), and they live in this little neighborhood where the city allows you to have livestock. So when I was walking up the street I actually saw a little calf in their front yard!

For this tea, we just asked people to buy tickets, and they came and had some tea and little tea sandwich things, and we 4-Hers served them. They got like 3 different types of tea. It was fun to run through all the yards with a teapot, and just have something to do that didn't require much thinking for once. The atmosphere was so... antique. I couldn't help humming that one song that the maid hums in 'Pride and Predjudice' :)