Saturday, June 21, 2008

we're ready

Last night we had a barbeque at Jared's house for the mission trip. It was really amazing.
I thought it was going to be more of a fun-and-games type thing, but it wasn't. After everyone finished eating, Jared went through the motions of telling us how we're gonna be used by God. I was starting to get nervous about the trip and everything (cause im like that), but then Jared was like, "K guys we're going to pray now," and we all bowed our heads and prayed popcorn-style for about 30 minutes. As we started praying, I was just like (to myself), " God, please help me to calm down and just realize that we're all going for You, and do the best we can for You." And I just felt better, like that.
It was one of the most amazing prayer-times I've ever had; I just started to get excited about the trip, and especially about doing stuff for God. And I just know that whatever obstacles come our way, we'll be able to draw strength from them and use them for God.

After the prayer, we went around in a circle and told everyone our names and how we got to be coming on this trip, and why we want to go. Some of the stories were really amazing.
I firmly believe that everyone going on this trip was truly hand-picked.

Oh, and we should have another post on the Portland blog sometime today. We're gonna be updating it while we're there, so you'll be able to see what we're doing.

See ya in 2 weeks!

Friday, June 20, 2008


We had a going-away/birthday party for Mariah last night.
Bittersweet... but I got some good pictures ;) enjoy

Matt says, "whatev!"

Danielle singing me a song

Matt says, "Hey Josh- pull my finger!" lol

Mariah won :)

If you didn't go, sorry you weren't there. It was good times.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I found our oregon blog! The link is on this page, right above my profile picture.

Monday, June 16, 2008

it was actually fun

K so you know how mom had to make all those deviled eggs and lots of chicken salad for that one tea thing we had for 4-H?
Well... I am absolutely in love with that place! And the family. Especially the children- they are so beautiful and hilarious.

The tea place is called Heritage House, and it's a bed and breakfast. Actually, the Grants own 3 little restored victorian houses like this, and they live in one and let people rent rooms out of the two others. Also you can book a private tea in the house- thats what we did for 4-H.
The houses are sort of downtown (around that area), and they live in this little neighborhood where the city allows you to have livestock. So when I was walking up the street I actually saw a little calf in their front yard!

For this tea, we just asked people to buy tickets, and they came and had some tea and little tea sandwich things, and we 4-Hers served them. They got like 3 different types of tea. It was fun to run through all the yards with a teapot, and just have something to do that didn't require much thinking for once. The atmosphere was so... antique. I couldn't help humming that one song that the maid hums in 'Pride and Predjudice' :)

Friday, June 13, 2008


Today mom has to make like 3 billion deviled eggs, and tons of chicken salad. It was supposed to be my job, but I have to (ahem) study for the ACT :P
The food is for this 4-H dinner thing we're having tomorrow. It's at this one place (see just how much I know about it), and all of us 4-Hers have to serve.

Dad said that if I got a score higher than Clinton's on the ACT, he's gonna give me $100. Pressure, pressure, pressure.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

thieves and crooks

Another swing dance night came and went. I think I am enjoying it less and less. Every time I go, I dance less and less. Fewer people actually ask me to dance than that one time.
That time was fun :)

I'm bored and going to every single person I know's myspace and facebook and blogspot. What a bad habit. I really should be studying for the ACT, which is this Saturday, but the idea is really not appealing to me now. Besides, I have all day...
I wish the stupid test would just be over with. And that the 4 weeks (minimum) it takes for the test scores to get here would last forever. I'm feeling like I have to prove my worth with a 32. Ain't gonna happen, man. It's really hard for me to remember everything I've learned once a test is placed in front of me...

On a happier note, progress on mission trip affairs is going smoothly. 'Cept for the fact that I've raised like no money, so i still have to pay $400. Ick. But I've been praying about everything, and I just know this is what God wants me to do. I've even come to be pretty comfortable with everyone who's going, which usually takes longer than it has. Especially since we've had some... special cases, if you know what I mean :P
I still haven't been able to find the Portland blog, though. I know Josh made one though, I think its like or something.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

just because

Today I got a very pleasant surprise.

Last week (or the week before), I convinced Clinton to listen to 'Delaware' by Wesley Jensen and Christie DuPree. I also showed him this t-shirt Wesley had on his Myspace store, just cause i thought it was cute.

I completely forgot all this had happened. Just before I left to an Oregon Mission trip meeting today, I was getting dressed, and I went to my drawer and opened it to get a shirt. There was a blue shirt folded into a small square right on top. And since I didn't own a shirt like that, I was curious. So I unfolded it, looked at it, and started to cry.
I really don't normally cry for such small things, but I realized that Clinton had bought the shirt for me, for absolutely no reason whatsoever except because I really liked it and he wanted me to be happy. How nice! I couldn't believe it. :)

Friday, June 6, 2008

doctor visits, SAT, puppies, and O. Henry in a nutshell

So I had been experiencing these sharp pains in my abdomen (where your appendix is, ominously) since Tuesday night. It was not fun. I didn't tell my parents about it, because I thought it would go away... but then on first wednesday I told coolaid about it and she told me all about how she had appendicitis and was in so much pain she thought she would die, and showed me her scar. And so I decided that maybe it would be a good idea to tell my parents about it after all. :P
So they were kinda freaked out, especially when I told them I wanted to go to the doctor. I pretty much hate going to the doctor... but, after all, I didn't want to feel like that in Oregon or at Camp or anything. Needless to say, my parents made me a doctor appointment for the next day... which was this morning.

We went in, went through the motions, and determined that it was... nothing. yay! Oh, and the pain is gone now too. slightly strange... but im ok with pain-free. :)
While we were there, my mom suggested that I get updated on my shots. :( The good thing was that I got to pick out my band-aids.

Then I came home and tried not to freak out about the SAT, which is TOMORROW. I'm hoping I can pull off a decent score. Well, one things
for sure is that no one can say I didn't study.

, and isn't my Zia absolutely adorable?
I took these pictures earlier, when I was trying to forget about the SAT...

One more thing- O. Henry is really amazing. If you haven't read any of his short stories, you should. My favorite is currently The Princess and the Puma.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


I finally finished my Aranzi Aronzo White Rabbit doll! I named him Mosley.
After staring at the sewing machine for about 5 minutes, I decided to hand-sew Mosley. He's made from Jersey cloth, which is this special stretchy cloth thats really soft. Only I accidentally used the wrong grain-line, so his head turned out a little weird. :) Its supposed to be a little wider and a little less long.
His tunic is made of bright green corduroy. I really love it...
Oh, and did I mention he's for sale? :)
If you want to buy him, or know someone who might, just talk to me.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

tonight is swing dance night :)

I am really afraid of the SAT. I think that I'm really gonna fail, but its ok because I've already been preparing myself for it. And I've been kinda studying for the SAT... don't know how much good thats doing, but oh well. No matter what happens, I'll survive. I just don't know if my parents will, seeing as how they're bent on me getting close to 1600. Arg!!

And then the next week after that I have the ACT.... but I don't think I'll do so bad on that one.

I'm just trying to hang in there until these two weeks are past, and then I can enjoy stuff.
And I'm really looking forward to the Oregon mission trip, and especially... CAMP!! I found out that I'm in Queen's cabin- I'm pretty excited about that. The first thing I'll do when I get there will be to run and sniff the butterscotch tree. (this tree seriously smells like butterscotch)
Then I'm gonna play carpetball till my hands fall off. And visit all the familiar places, like the pond, the field, the old swings. It is SO beautiful at camp- you'll see. I'll post pictures.

Oh and we are going to make a blog for the Oregon trip- just update everyone on the preparation for the trip (we meet every week), and update people on whats going on while we're there. And, post pictures! :) So once we actually make that, I'll post the link on this blog.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

more stuff

The piano recital went pretty well. I did better than i expected to, etc...

so have you ever heard of Blythe dolls? They are so cute! I would get one if I had the money and time to devote to it. You can change their eye color and faces and stuff, and make clothes for them, etc. I love it.

Also, I am hooked on Wesley Jensen with Christie DuPree. Christie is an Eisley sister (Eisley is definitely one of my favorite bands), and she has the voice thats so similar to her sisters and yet unique. just like all of them :P