Wednesday, March 19, 2008

" 'Write it on a muffin!' Yeah, that would make a good blog name!" "...Mr. Sweater-Vest. Hey, you should write a song called Mr. Sweater-Vest!"

Last night was Awana.
I got this cute little bunny cookie. It tasted bad, but it had a tie and sunglasses and I thought I would just keep it to look at. I think its name was Bun-Bun teh Bunny or something.

So then after Awana, Evie, Jared, Clinton and I all stood outside talking. Evie was really hyper, which always makes me hyper, so it was some good times.

For some reason we were talking about streaking and people who would streak, and I (accidentally) said, "I could see Josh streaking." and then i thought about it and everyone laughed and i was like, "uhh no- not that I could see it. Its just something he would do!" yeah... awkward. :P

And then Evie was hugging me and we were running away from Jared, and I was holding Bun-Bun teh Bunny so hard that the top of his little pink head came off. So we were all very sad, and we gave him a nice little burial in the rocks at the edge of the playground, and we all said a few kind words.

R.I.P Bun-Bun


Miss E. said...

Bunny bun bun!!!