Thursday, May 7, 2009

they all surrounded me

i had no idea what i would do with my time after finishing school, but this week has been really great. very different, and im always ok with that.

found out my grades on monday; i did ok. its amazing how much life has changed since last semester. there was so much going on then, and im so so so glad im past all that because life was terrible.
ive never understood so well what amazing timing God has than i do now.
thank you, Lord.

tuesday morning i went down coors and applied at a million places. about an hour into it, i walked into subway, asked if they had any openings, and what the lady said was, "Heres an application, if it stays this dead i will interveiw you right now." So i sat down and filled it out as fast as i could.
The interveiw lasted about 5 minutes. afterward, Kristine (the manager) said that she would give me a call later that day.
basically, i walked into subway, talked to the manager for 5 minutes, and started work the next day. I got really lucky, actually.
I like it though. they say i caught on fast. i can make every sandwich they have, which is a LOT, and today i learned the register which is really stressful, but i know i can get the hang of it. and i made teriyaki chicken stuff. whooooo.
did you know they spray the bread with water when they take it out of the oven? weird.

ive spent a lot of time wishing my parents were different, or that i could have been born into an entirely different family. but if i were, most likely i could be placed in a part of the world that is poor and diseased, and i would have little chance of a good future. Or, my parents could not be christians, and i would never know God for it.
i would not be the person i am today were it not for my parents, just as they are. so now, i am thanking God for them just the same.

its definitely been a 'praise God' week.

right now, im listening to a bunch of different versions of Just Like We Do. its one of my favorite songs ever.

tomorrow should be amazing. mah parents are driving down to los cruces to bring clinton home for the summer, so they will be gone pretty much all day. im going to work, and hanging out with special someones afterward, and i will finally get the thread for a special project ive been excited about.
(dont really know how i feel about clinton coming home. come to think of it, it'll be weird. ive lived with him my entire life up until last year, and we've both changed so much in that time. i really dont know how we'll get along. it will just be kinda weird, i guess)

i think im allergic to coffee. my stomach hurts really bad every time i drink a lot of it. im really wishing i would throw up right now and be done with it.


technicolor girls- death cab for cutie
they all surrounded me- eisley
in an aeroplane over the sea- neutral milk hotel

is it weird to have a poem stuck in your head? ive had The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock stuck in my head all day. i was making sandwiches today and i kept thinking over and over,
Let us go then, you and i
When the evening is spread out against the sky
Like a patient etherised upon a table
Let us go, through certain half-deserted streets
The muttering retreats
Of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels
and sawdust restaurants with oyster-shells:
Streets that follow like a tedious argument
of insidious intent
Oh, do not ask, "what is it?"
let us go and make our visit.


Liz said...

I officially LoVe that poem...

aurora said...

its my favorite