Tuesday, September 23, 2008

starting something

I've been pretty busy lately without really being busy at all.
(and I've been doing a lot without really doing much)

I've pretty much decided that I'm gonna go to UNM next year. And this might change in the future, but as of right now I will be taking business courses so that I can start my own business where I will sell Pocket Pals.
I know that I'll be seen as pretty much a failure from the viewpoints of many kids and their moms that I've grown up with, but I really don't care what they think (I don't care what most people think about me anymore). I don't really want to be an engineer, or a doctor, or a journalist, or anything that these people see as a "normal" occupation. I want to do something that makes me really happy- something that I can actually have fun doing, and make other people happy by doing. And that is Pocket Pals...
Also I've decided that I don't want to be successful, at least not in the way the world sees it. I don't want a big house and fancy clothes and lots of money. I want to live like Jesus did, because I know that kind of lifestyle will bring me closer to Him.
I am totally and completely dependent upon God for my daily needs and well-being, and I want to live like it.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

dont drink whats under your sink

Today in Chem lab, we were doing paper chromatography, and we actually used a chemical that was in a little bottle with a skull and crossbones with the word 'POISON' marked across it.
So cute!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

we worry about incredibly stupid stuff

The stuff that my parents worry about is annoying half of the time, and funny the rest of it. Mostly its worry about me and Clinton. My mom was recently worrying that Clinton would go down to Mexico (dont know why she thought that). She was like, "He's gonna get murdered or beat up, etc!"
Why do parents worry about this kind of thing? Maybe this is just another one of those things that I wont really understand until I'm older, and have children of my own.
But really, seems to me that if parents really trusted their kids they wouldn't worry about this kind of thing. Like if my parents really trusted Clintons judgement, they wouldn't worry about him going down to Mexico.

Thats one of the annoying things they worry about. Thats right up there with Mom asking me 5 times if I've taken my vitamin and Dad wanting me home before 10 because he worries about me too much after that.

Some of the funny stuff is my parents making sure that clinton has every single possible school supply and house cleaner because they're worried that he won't be prepared for life on his own (though thats still kind of annoying), and my mom making me put her number as ICOE (in case of emergency) in my cell phone because thats what they do in France. Apparently if you get in an accident or something over there, they look in your cell phone and see ICOE and are like, hey an emergency contact! and they call that number. But anyways, thats still kind of annoying too, haha.

I worry about lots of stupid stuff too. For example, I'm worried right now that my lab partner will turn into some crazy weird person ( a different kind of crazy and weird from me :P). I'm worried that I won't get a scholarship, that Clintons new friends wont like me, that I won't fit in wherever I go to college, that I will live with my parents for the rest of my life, that I won't be able to go to a concert.
But you know, all of that stuff is crap. It doesn't really matter. God takes care of it- He gives us absolutely no reason to worry about anything.
Wherever we are, that is exactly where God wants us to be at the moment. I've become a firm believer in Gods sovereignty.
Whatever happens, its because God wanted it to happen.
And I'm perfectly fine with that.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

thanks for your support

I am overwhelmed.

Pocket Pals. Who would pay for them? I wouldn't. But... everyone wants one! People that don't have one want one. People that do have one want another one. People that have some with clothes want me to make more clothes for them. People want me to make some that look like them. I'm so flattered...
But still overwhelmed :P

Actually, I love making Pocket Pals. It's one of my favorite things to do- something I'm actually good at. I wish I had more time. Y'know, if I could drop out of my math class, I would. That would give me lots more time.

But whoever knew that this could turn into something so much more than just a simple project that was the result of boredom?

Also, I gave my speech on Friday. It was a pretty big success. I'm really glad that I gave it on the homeless, because a lot of people don't really help them like we should and I wanted to get them thinking.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

5th attempt

My math teacher described herself as the "Math Nazi".
What have I gotten myself into?

Im taking two classes at CNM this semester- Algebra 3 and Chem 1. Algebra 3 is just a fancy way of saying Pre-Calc. (so i found on the first day in class) When you say pre-calc, the class sounds a lot harder than it does when you call it Algebra 3, doesn't it?
I was conned by the old 'bait-and-switch'.
I am grateful, though, because I know people in both of my classes. It's nice to have someone to stress with.
And Laura lent me her dcfc cd (Transatlanticism), so thats helping me get through my homework.
We'll see how things work out.