Tuesday, August 11, 2009

i wasnt prepared

only a little over a week till college starts.
ive signed up for classes. i bought my books. i applied for financial aid. i highlighted a route to each of my classes on a map of the campus. so far, i am a good student.

There are lots of things i want to do before school starts, but theres no time to do them. i had a lot of plans for the summer, but then i got a job. its not a decision i regret, it just made things a lot more different than i thought they would be.
i am thinking of all the things i wanted to make that i didn't.
(im not upset, only indifferent.)
i want to have an ice blocking party. you know, sliding down a hill on blocks of ice. they say they're fun. who knows.

our church has a mission team in portland right now. i am really excited for them.
(thats their blog)
i wish i could be there right now. last year's trip was a truly amazing experience. Lately ive been remembering all the things about it that made it incredible, good times and bad times. encouragements and discouragements; seeing God in everything, hiding in a box in the elevator, eating "lesbian" food, korean style prayer, random lunches in the park, handing out deodorant to people who only wanted to appear halfway human, accidentally throwing balls out of the 5th story window, watching grown men eat 4 hot dogs and 3 bags of chips and two servings of potato salad and then go back for two servings of ice cream.
it was a very emotional experience. life changing, really. who can be the same after seeing what we saw? (people living the way they did) i only pray that God changes this mission team the way He changed mine.

yesterday peggy told me that i am her best employee. she is going to give me a raise.
i think its funny.
ive not been an extrordinary employee. ive really done nothing to earn this, not at all. i only do what im told to do, and im willing to do whatever they ask me to. i think its kind of sad that this is what makes me peggys "best" employee, since its only what the job requires. Doesnt say much for employees nowadays.

clinton and laura are leaving for college on the 16th. i am going to miss them, especially laura since shes always been here (13 years) and i could call her up if i wanted to hang out or something. now she's going to be in a different state, and im not going to see her for months at a time.
its going to be weird.
very, very strange.

i think that one of the most comforting things ive ever read in the Bible is that God will give us rest.

doesn't it sound nice?



Maybe I've been here before
I know this room, I've walked this floor
I used to live alone before I knew you.
I've seen your flag on the marble arch,
love is not a victory march;
It's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah