Monday, April 28, 2008

I fought the humidity, and the humidity won

We just flew in from Jacksonville, Florida a few hours ago.
(boy am i exhausted!)
It was tremendous fun. We spent a long time in airports and waiting in lines and failing in competitions, but it was still amazing :)

I used to have some trouble with flying, like it kind of freaks me out to be flying hundreds of miles above the ground with nothing between us but air and clouds, but this time was kind of different. I really didn't have much trouble with fear; I sat next to either Clinton or Laura and the flights were actually enjoyable. We played card games and listened to music or watched movies on the plane. Laura and I watched Juno, which was a pretty sweet movie, I must say. We watched it about 2.5 times over the course of the trip, and listened to a few of the songs in the soundtrack such as All I Want Is You and Tree Hugger. You should go listen to them on youtube. I would totally go out and buy that soundtrack this very minute, if I had the chance (and the money).

Oh, and we also went to Steak and Shake! It's pretty much the best "fast food" restaurant you could ever go to. It was kind of funny because we were so energetic and awake at the beginning of the week, and had lots of good times and stuff, and at the end of the week we were like, "huh?" from lack of sleep.

Clinton got his Citation too. (If you didn't know, the Citation is the
highest award you can get in awana, and you have to complete like 9 or something books to get it and memorize lotsa verses)

There were a LOT of people getting citations, and so they called everyones name and they got to shake hands with the founder of awana, and then shake the hands of all the missionaries of awana. It took forever, but it's a really big accomplishment and I'm proud of my brother :)

To celebrate, my aunt and uncle took us out to dinner. They live in Naples, so they drove down to see Clinton get his citation. We
walked along the pier and saw all these trees with christmas lights on them, and also we walked across a bridge that had blue lights on it to make the bridge look blue. It was so beautiful! We went to a little seafood restaurant called Benny's, and it was pretty good. It was nice and fresh.

And we went to the beach! I hadn't been to the beach in a while. We sunbathed, buried each
other in sand, "mined" for shells, and jumped into some humongous waves! And got caught in some rip tides, and hung out on this nice little boardwalk with a tiger.

This little kindergartener named chris came and started hanging out with us. He was five and some of the things he said had us on the floor laughing. There was some muddy water lying nearby, and Chris's mom was telling him that they needed to leave, but he had some shells that he wanted to keep and she wouldn't let him unless he washed them off first. She told him that he could rinse them off in the muddy water, but he said it was too dirty.
"Thats as clean as its gonna get" she told him.
and he said, "Well then couldn't we put some Clorox in it?" You gotta love little kids :)

We also dug out a pretty big swimming pool in the sand and filled it with water. I didn't take any pictures of it :(

Despite putting sunscreen on multiple times during the day, we found out we were sunburned when we got back to the hotel. I am sunburned on my knees and feet; nothing terrible, and Colleen was just a little red on her back, but Evie was the worst of all. She was so burnt it was seriously hot pink-colored.
Probably the most sunburned I've ever seen anyone get, all over her back where I had SLATHERED sunscreen at least 3 times earlier that day! Queen said that she had second degree burns, so she put lotsa cream on it. <------ I love that picture because it looks like Coolaid is eating the cream. I liked our hotel. The beds were nice and soft with like 6 pillows per bed. But we didn't do much sleeping, so by the end of the week everyone was pretty sleepy/cranky/apathetic, with the exception of sudden bursts of adrenaline supported by complete and utter exhaustion. At
times everything was silence, with people staring out the windows of the van or trying to get a few minutes of sleep in between going places and doing things, and other times everyone was laughing at the least little thing.
Like this burger. It looks like a little dude.
And I got a BLT that looked kinda like a bug guy :)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

my answer is yes

Have you noticed how lately people have stopped caring? People in school don't care about their grades, Christians don't care about witnessing to non-believers, and in general, people just don't care about what they do in life.

Of course there are the people that DO care about all those things, but I see about 2 people that don't care for every 1 that does.

No one in my class really cared about their grade, and if they did they didn't apply themselves to do better.
Everyone takes everything for granted. Not just school either. Life, family, friends, health, good times in general. Don't let it all become commonplace. You don't know that it will always be there.
I'm going on a trip soon with some friends, and one of them told me, "I'm really going to witness to people on the trip. Every person that God puts in my path, I will tell them about Him. Are you going to help me?" My answer: yes! Always yes. And it should always be yes, like I told her later. Always as in every day, every time, every place. Not only at special events. Not only on special trips. She agreed with me.

And isn't it sad to think that on that happy day when we get called up to be with Jesus, many of the people we know and love won't be up there with us? I wonder if we would even notice or feel sorry. Heaven is going to be such a wonderful place. I wonder if we would even notice peoples' absence.
I witnessed to my friend Scott the other day. I was surprised to find that he believed in reincarnation, and that there is no greater being out there looking out for us, and that there is nothing for us after this life, that we just become a dog, or a speck of algae. Saddening and surprising! I really didn't have the words to speak to him about it. I didn't have the words to show him the truth of God.
I wonder if, when I get called up to heaven, will Scott be there? Will he join me in his time? If he doesn't, will I be aware of it and miss him?

Some people don't care.
But I do.

Monday, April 21, 2008

summer is only 10 days away!

Can we say "WHEWWW"?

I just took my trig final. And I had to take a test for the same class right before it too...
Very stressful.
Everything was piling up this weekend. My Grandpa and Aunt and Uncle came from Florida, and I was expected to spend time with them as opposed to studying, which is ok cause they are amazing people, but studying is important, especially for finals, and double-especially for trig finals!
Also Clinton's graduation was this Friday. It seemed like EVERYONE was there! I wish that the whole thing was dragged out over several more hours so that I could have had more time to talk. Afterwards we went to Texas Roadhouse and waited about an hour to be seated. We were sooo hungry, so we had a lot of food, and then the waiter guy was not coming to our table to get the check, and we ended up leaving the place around 11:00pm, and got home at about 11:30.

Well. I'm just glad finals are over. Hmm imean this final; I still have a final tomorrow and then one on the 30th...
and on thursday we are leaving to Jacksonville for Summit.

Monday, April 7, 2008

my health, presents, and stuff

Hmm what to say?

I haven't posted in seems like forever.

Hey, I've been feeling better lately! Thanks for all the concern. I did miss out on awana and some church stuff, but I did get to watch lots of tv! haha. and I read twilight and new moon again, and slept a lot.
Yesterday we went over to my aunts house and she gave us our Christmas and birthday presents that she had forgotten to give us. So Clinton and I had $25 for walmart and $25 for hastings. I spent my Walmart giftcard on cd's online- Lifehouse and Neon Horse. I can't wait till they come.

Well, can you believe it? Less than a month and finals will be over, and there will be no more classes to go to, and life will hopefully be a lot easier.

Also graduation is on the 18th, for all us homeschoolers at least. I got a new dress. My Grandpa is coming from Tallahassee. My aunt and uncle are coming from Naples.
This will be Clintons last summer. Not only clinton either. There are a whole bunch of people graduating. I don't know how to feel about it. Excited? Sad? Indifferent?

Times are crazy.
Everything's changing.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I am soooo sick.

I haven't eaten anything today.