Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Thousand Angry Panthers!

i recently got bradley hathaway's newest ep 'A Thousand Angry Panthers', and have been listening to it constantly.

i love it! its so different from his old stuff, but definitely still bradley. The ep consists of four songs rather than poems, but all the songs have the essence of bradley's poetic qualities. Each song tells a story. It is very easy to listen to.

Also, to me it feels smoother than his last album, 'A Mouth Full of Dust'. For one thing, the music is very well put together in 'A Thousand Angry Panthers'- not to say it isnt in A Mouth Full of Dust, but I think A Thousand Angry Panthers was produced better. Bradley's voice has also been fine tuned into a smoother version of what it used to be.

Overall, i'm very happy with it. Bradley has such a way with words; the tone and expression of his music convey such emotion and thought. i am very impressed. Can't wait for more!

A Thousand Angry Panthers tracks:
1)she was raised by a man with a sickness
3)would you think less of me
4)the world is screaming

you can get it on itunes or here:

other albums available are 'A Mouth Full of Dust' and 'The Thing That Poets Write About, The Thing That Singers Sing About.'


you know i'd fight 1000 angry panthers screaming in the night
if it meant you'd be safe, sound, and alright
