Saturday, May 8, 2010

edit the sad parts

if there is anything that i believe, it is that God makes everything happen for a reason.
no matter how terrible things are, or seem to be, God is going to make everything beautiful again.
it may take days, or years.

i am stuck at a my job to be there for my co-workers.

people die so that people can be saved.

people break up because God has someone more amazing in mind.

people move away for new opportunities.

i have seen it time and time again. I have been crushed by certain things, but filled with understanding later.

it is always worth it.

if life weren't hard, then God wouldn't be so amazing.


im gonna shake myself right out the door
im gonna take myself when its finally over
im gonna let my own bad self take over
im gonna move my arm without my shoulder.


Darian said...

Amanda...I really needed to hear that today. thanks so much...