Tuesday, December 22, 2009

i am a skeleton in a tiny, fragile skin

ive watched four movies today. and seven already this week.

today i saw Elf, and then Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, and then after taking a break i saw Four Christmases and White Christmas. Guess i got my christmas movie fix today. i love watching christmas movies at christmas.
Saturday i made josh watch Pride and Prejudice with me, and sunday i saw The Bank Job with him. Yesterday i watched Night at the Museum 2 right before i went to work.
its kind of nice to rot your brain with unhealthy amounts of tv sometimes. especially after hours and hours of studying for finals, which rots your brain in a different way i suppose.

Last week was incredibly stressful. i thought something was wrong with me emotionally when i would suddenly start crying for no reason, but then when i was washing my hair in the shower and my hands came away from my head with clumps of hair tangled in my fingers i knew i was just stressed. Didnt get much sleep either, until it was all over. And then the next day i got a cold. but i kept going out and i kept going to work and now my voice is almost lost and i sound like a smoker.
i hate the feeling that i am completely fine inside my mind and it is just my body that is inadequate, that i would be fine if i didnt have to carry this flesh around with me. it makes me feel fragile, and i dont like feeling fragile.
but at least i am sound in my mind again.
and today i can breathe through my nose.
always a good thing.

also i would take this over a school day, any day.

break so far has been sleeping late (though 9 is the best i can do so far), watching movies, reading books, and making paper cranes. i mustve made 100 cranes today. it was nice.

josh is in denver with john and luke to have fun times before school starts and things get crazy again. i guess its a man trip, or whatever.

i am reading The Time Travelers Wife.
ill let you know what i think when its done.

tomorrow i get to hang out with laura, which is exciting since i havent seen her in forever. also i am getting sick of staying home (which i'd rather not do anyway), and i think im beginning to know what elizabeth bennet meant when she said that since jane was in london and charlotte was married and mr. wickam was away life was "rather gray."

but i like to hear joshs crazy stories about all that theyre doing in denver, because they make me feel much, much better.

...also i understand kimya dawson when she wrote "im a pretty impossible lady to be with."
you know?

one of danielles cats wasnt there when i went to feed them this evening. but apparently this happens semi-frequently (says danielle) so i shouldnt freak out.


this sounds cliche, but

i miss my boyfriend.


i took the poloroid down to my room
im pretty sure you have a new girlfriend
its not as if i dont like you
it just makes me sad whenever i see it.
cause i like to be gone most of the time,
and you like to be home most of the time.
if i stay in one place, i lose my mind
im a pretty impossible lady to be with.