Monday, December 14, 2009

hands in the air, and love at our sides

josh called me this morning to say he got me a christmas present. apparently it needs to be "assembled". now i have all these ideas in my head of what it might look like and what it could be.

i am insanely curious, to say the least.

i seriously think i have ADD. when im studying, my mind randomly falls asleep and dreams about other things, like whether or not that was a text i just got, or how many chocolates i have not eaten in my advent calendar and how many i can eat today, or christmas presents with some assembly required. 3-5 minutes after that i snap awake and finish reading whatever it is i was reading, but i can't remember what that was and then i don't remember what paragraph i was on, and what subject am i studying again anyway??
and i think thats the reason why i do not like school: it can't hold my attention long enough for me to absorb the material unless i spend huge amounts of time on it. And the prospect of spending huge amounts of time on it is daunting, so i put it off over and over until i am forced to do it eventually (usually... ok, almost always.. at the last minute) and am stuck doing work that requires more time than i have to spend on it, which makes me so stressed that i get stomachaches and headaches and cry randomly for no reason, and wake up in the middle of the night thinking about how much stuff there is to be done.

I have an Astronomy test tomorrow morning at 7:30 am, which means i need to catch the bus at 6:30 am. nuff said.
also tomorrow i have to take an online Philosophy exam, and re-take two philosophy exams. Thankfully after that philosophy and astronomy will be completely finished. those are the classes i have A's and B's in.
My Econ final is on thursday, but i have a C+ in that class and the final can only improve my grade since one exam grade gets dropped. So im not going to worry about that final since i will pass the class anyway. Studying didn't help for either of the first two exams, so why would it help for the final? im going to spend that time studying for my sociology final.
the soc final is on friday. i got an email from my professor today saying it is not cumulative, which is pretty much a gift from God. now there is hope that i can pass that class and thus keep my scholarship. i need to get a B on this test to pass, which will be a true challenge.
i really hope i can do it.

i cut my thumb open at work yesterday holding a knife. i wasn't even cutting anything, i was just turning it over and over in my hands and didn't realize how sharp it was. also i realized that we have a big first aid kit box in the back of the store, but the only thing in it are bandaids. haha.
at least thats what i needed.

i was looking at some pictures from summer. i really miss warmer weather.


And indeed there will be time
For the yellow smoke that slides along the street,
Rubbing its back upon the window-panes; 25
There will be time, there will be time
To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet;
There will be time to murder and create,
And time for all the works and days of hands
That lift and drop a question on your plate; 30
Time for you and time for me,
And time yet for a hundred indecisions,
And for a hundred visions and revisions,
Before the taking of a toast and tea.


Robert Thomas said...

Are you taking Microeconomics and Intro to Astronomy this term? Do you have your books still?

aurora said...

actually, im taking macroeconomics and astronomy. i do have the astronomy book; its A Beginner's Guide to the Universe 6th edition by chaisson and mcmillan.