Wednesday, October 28, 2009


my parents will be home in like, 20 minutes. ish.

i spent the day power cleaning the house.
rugs vacuumed- check.
all trash taken out- check
living room picked up-check
kitchen cleaned-check
dead fish taken out of fish tank-check
room cleaned-check
mail sorted- check
laundry done-check
floor swept- ... oh well. best 8 out of 9.

now its like no one lives here. but thats the way they like it, i guess. idk. maybe theres a difference between clean and looking like no one lives here. but in my opinion, houses that are a little messy are more comfortable.

all i want to do lately is carve pumpkins. i think about it all the time. i looked up pumpkin designs online and everything. and i have all the tools. maybe my parents will buy me a pumpkin to carve tonight. and tomorrow night. and the next night, and the next.
josh and i carved a pumpkin last week. it was his first ever. He said that he'd never carved one
before, so it was a must. really, carving pumpkins in october is a part of growing up. its a part of life.
we did the hardest design in the little design book thing, a mummy.
i dont know if it was supposed to look scary or not. mainly i think he looks like hes in pain. so we carved 'oh noes' into the side by his face. i think its fitting.

Also we smashed him on the street when he began to rot a few days later. its a new tradition. and its really fun.

i made $15 in tips this week, which is double the amount i normally make. people were extra generous yesterday, i 'spose.
it was kind of cool- last night Becky and i were really busy so we didnt start closing until late, which kind of sucked because we were going to be there for an extra hour or so and we were tired. Then a bunch of people showed up off the clock- our co-workers. Kristine came to do inventory, rhea came along for fun, and helen was there. it was a subway reunion. Helen and rhea helped becky and me clean up while Kristine did inventory, and we were done in half the time we would've been, and it was really fun with everyone there. For once no one was gossiping or being mean to the others, and we were all working together. i wish it was like that all the time.

Chris- our new owner- is really cool. he lets us listen to whatever radio station we want, and he has a tattoo. He's really nice which makes us actually want to do a good job to make him pleased. well me at least. Also his son is working there now. i havent met him yet, but those that have say hes fun and (according to marissa) "cute". guess ill be the judge of that :P

ive been looking into getting my tattoo. i dont think ill get it at addictive ink like i'd wanted though, because it would cost me $100 and i am a starving college student. Im thinking about going to Sachs because they start at $60 and im sure what i want wont be super expensive there. plus danielle got her's there, and she says its legit.
havent told my parents yet. ill tell 'em the day i get it.

they should be here any minute. were going to go to Frontier when they do. My parents are addicted to that place, haha.

cant wait to carve a punkin!
i love halloween.
i love little kids dressing up.
and eating candy.

(also, i got Eisley's new ep, Fire Kite. its amazing. really.)


silver pink ponies flying over me
you may feel strange, well, you are an angel
stuck in tight pants, stuck at a high school dance
stuck doing people things not knowing you have wings
you are my serenade, you are my lemonade
you are my soul throw it all out the window
you are my training wheel, you are my chamomile
you are my friend come again some other day


kIaNa said...

Mmm. I like pumpkin pie lol that was pretty random:-)