So I am listening to GIANTS, because there is no singing, and i really really like it.
I had a really good weekend. Friday was stressful because I had two papers due and homework due and an observing project for Astronomy that I probably should have done.
but hey, 3 out of 4 aint bad.
After school, the mom of one of my friends from high school came by to visit my mom. It was cool because I got to hear about all of my old friends who I never get to talk to anymore. I realized that I haven't seen any of the kids I did school with in highschool in a whole year. Its weird, I used to see these people 5 days a week and now i havent seen them in a year.
We've been getting a lot of graduation cards in the mail, which makes me excited because a lot of my old friends are graduating and they look so nice in their graduation photos and I am going to see them all graduate on the 28th! cant wait.
i bought some bold teal nail polish. it makes me happy.
On saturday morning I shoveled rock for a friend for 3 hours. At the time, it seemed like a good idea. I thought I could work as hard and as fast as everyone else, and i did, but now i can barely move.
and so i realized that i am very weak.
also i got a giant splinter and i cut it out of my hand with my pocket pal scissors.
dont worry, i washed 'em.
Laura came to visit on saturday! I hadn't seen her since Christmas. We did everything she wanted- microwaved peeps, visited Evie on her dinner break at the mall, went to Forever 21 and hobby lobby, colored easter eggs, and went to see The Book of Eli at the dollar theater.
It made me soooo happy.
now she's gone again, and won't be back until the 29th of May, because she is going to Japan for 3 weeks after school ends.
I had to work yesterday. I don't know why my boss kept the store open for easter, but it wasn't a very good decision. He actually lost money from it, because we had to throw away bread at the end of the day and not enough people came in to balance out the amount he had to pay us. About 20 people came in the entire time i was there (4.5 hours). It was very boring.
josh came and visited me and brought me chocolate covered strawberries, and then i called my boss and convinced him to let us close the store an hour early, and we went to josh's house and watched 500 days of summer.
we are in love with it.

we are in love with each other.
It was the look on your face that told me you've always cared.
And i'll try to know youre safe and maybe that will make me sound.
And this i know dear, my heart smiles when you're near.
it's a golden day, and tomorrow's coming up.
i'll take the bright,bright branches of lovely moments,
And in the morning, i'll gather all the hope that's on my window,
and place it inside.
And i'll try to know youre safe and maybe that will make me sound.
And this i know dear, my heart smiles when you're near.
it's a golden day, and tomorrow's coming up.
i'll take the bright,bright branches of lovely moments,
And in the morning, i'll gather all the hope that's on my window,
and place it inside.
I love 500 days of summer.
but the end makes me sad.
i didnt get to see the end! maybe thats why i liked it so much :)
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