Monday, July 26, 2010

1000000000000000000000000299993838388888 days of summer.

its almost been a month since my last post.

there hasnt been much to say. summer is awesome and way more exciting than winter, because school and work dominate my time.

some interesting things ive done this summer:

made pocket pals
started up a youtube channel with josh
swam (waded more like) in the rio grande
went to a concert (scream the prayer)
broke (pretty sure anyway) my finger playing ninja
got the job at bostons
got a car
dyed my hair blue
had rooftop water balloon fights
ate smores
watched all the Harry Potter movies and read the first 3 books
got a new phone.

so far, it has been pretty amazing. i guess theres about 2 weeks left of summer; i dont really know when school starts, which is probably not a very good thing :P
i need to buy school books...
and start studying for my Math 180 class since ive not taken math for about 3 years.
so im a little rusty.

i bought the 500 days of summer soundtrack, the special edition one. i love zooey deschanel's cover of sugar town, and also that song you make my dreams come true. also i love regina spektor.

i need to clean my room.

josh is going backpacking this weekend.
i love him.


What I want, youve got
And it might be hard to handle
But like the flame that burns the candle
The candle feeds the flame
What Ive gots full stock of thoughts and dreams that scatter
You pull them all together
And how, I cant explain
But you make my dreams come true

Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Thousand Angry Panthers!

i recently got bradley hathaway's newest ep 'A Thousand Angry Panthers', and have been listening to it constantly.

i love it! its so different from his old stuff, but definitely still bradley. The ep consists of four songs rather than poems, but all the songs have the essence of bradley's poetic qualities. Each song tells a story. It is very easy to listen to.

Also, to me it feels smoother than his last album, 'A Mouth Full of Dust'. For one thing, the music is very well put together in 'A Thousand Angry Panthers'- not to say it isnt in A Mouth Full of Dust, but I think A Thousand Angry Panthers was produced better. Bradley's voice has also been fine tuned into a smoother version of what it used to be.

Overall, i'm very happy with it. Bradley has such a way with words; the tone and expression of his music convey such emotion and thought. i am very impressed. Can't wait for more!

A Thousand Angry Panthers tracks:
1)she was raised by a man with a sickness
3)would you think less of me
4)the world is screaming

you can get it on itunes or here:

other albums available are 'A Mouth Full of Dust' and 'The Thing That Poets Write About, The Thing That Singers Sing About.'


you know i'd fight 1000 angry panthers screaming in the night
if it meant you'd be safe, sound, and alright


i want a mandrake.

if you get that, you are possibly as addicted to harry potter as i am.

im almost done with the chamber of secrets, and last night laura and i watched the order of the phoenix. also apparently the filming for the next harry potter movie was finished today, so its coming out sometime in november.

i have been complaining at work a lot. in spite of this, i realize it is WAY better than subway! There is so much more work involved, and stress too, but i prefer that to doing nothing and watching the clock to see if another hour has passed, and counting how many hours until I can leave. im so thankful!

i had mint/chocolate swirl fro-yo at keva the other day. it is officially my new favorite.

also, after watching the order of the phoenix, i think that helena bonham (who played beatrix) is my favorite actress. She was phenominal in fight club, and she was my favorite character in alice in wonderland.
im thinking about being the red queen for halloween, actually. it would be really complicated though.


things that josh and i love:

1) vlogging
2) road trips
3) fight club
4) comic book stores
(especially Astro Zombies!)
5) frozen yogurt
6) adult swim
7) taco bell
8) dailybooth
9) reading
10) surprises


you know i would fight 1000 angry panthers in the night
if it meant you'd be safe, sound, and alright.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

im drowning in my sleep

i get called lots of names at work.

not anything bad, just stuff like 'darlin', ' honey', 'sweetie', 'babe', 'girlie', 'lady', 'woman'. its weird. maybe they don't know my name?
the only one i really mind is sweetie or sweetheart. it always comes out condescending to me, as if i am five years old or something.

i really like this job, except for old habits that are hard to shake. I keep telling people to enjoy their sandwich no matter what they've ordered. i told a lady to enjoy her sandwich right after i handed her a bowl of pasta.

today i got an apron with lotsa pockets in it and one of those little pads that you take orders down on. Also i know how to put orders into the computer where they are automatically sent to the kitchen to cook, and i know how to ring people up. I can pretty much do everything myself, except when things get busy i feel like im slacking off even though im working really hard, because every table is always needing something else and i feel like im always slow getting it for them.
but all in all, i lurve this job. and i lurve my apron, because it makes me feel official.
also i lurve all the free food i get.

laura and i have been having a continual harry potter movie marathon. so far we are on harry potter and the goblet of fire, which we're watching tomorrow. i never followed harry potter much, but now im pretty excited about it.

all ive wanted to listen to lately has been underoath, fleet foxes, and modest mouse.

nothing much else has been happening. i feel like my life has turned into getting up, going to work (which is a place where time disappears and i just leave when they tell me to) and then trying to find things to do to fill in the rest of the time.
thats not hard though, with harry potter marathons, dinner with friends, hanging out with josh, small group, pocket pals, and skip-bo/uno nights with my family.

life is good.
i am happy.


So hold your head up high and know
It's not the end of the road
Walk down this beaten path before
You pack your things and head home
At the end of the road
You'll find what you've been longing for
I know 'cause my feet have the scars to show
I was lost with vague direction and no place to call home
At the end of the road
You'll find what you've been longing for

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

taze eric.

so i didn't get the tsa job. i couldnt pass the intro test. it was freakin hard!

there were two parts to it. the first half was all about english. it was basically a much easier version of the SAT. i actually think i got every question right.
the second half was an x-ray assesment where you have to identify random objects in a bag that went through an x-ray machine. this was hard because the objects never looked like they were supposed to. through an x-ray, a cell phone looks like a bunch of wires and circuits. try looking for that in a bag jam-packed with a bunch of crap. also there was only 15 seconds to look for it.

so that job fell through. it ended up being ok though, because a few weeks ago one of my regular customers at subway basically offered me a job as a server at Boston's Gourmet Pizza. I start tomorrow, actually.

Tomorrow is also my last day at subway. its so weird... ive been working there for over a year and now i will finally be free of it.
it was fun at times, but i want something more intense.

i still have not gotten the license for my car.
this last week i house-sat for a friend, so it was basically filled with hanging out and having fun. i watched a lot of movies and played alladin on nintendo, jumped on the trampoline, fed the chinchilla raisins, and went swimming. it was awesome.
they have a pug named daisy, but i named it troll instead because it is really ugly and snores. by the end of the week, it was responding to that name.



You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.
You'd be like Heaven to touch.
I wanna hold you so much.
At long last love has arrived
And I thank God I'm alive.
You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

perpetual motion machine.

basically, this is what is happening.

-- i finished school on the 11th of May. anthropology almost killed me, but i ended up getting a B. pwned!
i got all B's and an A in art history.

-- two days ago i bought a car. it is a 2002 black honda accord, and i love it.
i bought it from a little old mexican man with a moustache, cowboy hat, and snakeskin boots. he is 74 years old.

now i dont have to rely on anyone for a ride. i feel free.

-- i applied for this TSA job at the alb. sunport. They accepted my application, and now i have to go take a computer test on the 26th of May, and if i pass it i basically get the job. if i get it, i would be 1) waving a metal detector wand over people as they go through security, 2) looking through people's luggage to see if they have bombs or weapons, 3) looking at the contents of peoples luggage through an x-ray machine, or 4) dressing as a plain-clothes security person and monitoring people's behavior.

i am excited. i really, really am hoping and praying i get this.

-- now im just waiting. reading. surfing the internet. working.
took off work for evies wedding on the 24th. so this is weird, right? a wedding. now everyone is going to start getting married and stuff.

thats ok. i really love weddings.


6 things:

- i want to go see modest mouse this summer.

- i have a goal to only shop mainly at consignment and thrift shops so that i do not contribute so much to sweat shops and unfair treatment in the workplace.

- i love my flip flop tan.

- i just read memoirs of a geisha. it was good.

- i have always wanted to be a bridesmaid.

- i cannot wait until laura gets back from japan.


stars shining bright above you
night breezes seem to whisper,
"i love you"
birds singing in the sycamore tree;
dream a little dream of me.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

edit the sad parts

if there is anything that i believe, it is that God makes everything happen for a reason.
no matter how terrible things are, or seem to be, God is going to make everything beautiful again.
it may take days, or years.

i am stuck at a my job to be there for my co-workers.

people die so that people can be saved.

people break up because God has someone more amazing in mind.

people move away for new opportunities.

i have seen it time and time again. I have been crushed by certain things, but filled with understanding later.

it is always worth it.

if life weren't hard, then God wouldn't be so amazing.


im gonna shake myself right out the door
im gonna take myself when its finally over
im gonna let my own bad self take over
im gonna move my arm without my shoulder.